Product Listing Ads

Common Mistakes On Google Shopping Ads – Data Feed Errors

Check the Google Merchant Login for Google Shopping Data Feed Errors

How to Check Data Feed Errors on Google Shopping? Whether you are going to launch, or have already launched your...

Common Mistakes On Google Shopping Ads – Data Feed Common Errors

Managing your product feed can be a bit daunting – especially when one fails to get the guidance that they deserve – but it is something that can’t be...

How To Find Out If Your AdWords Account Is Under Review

How To Find Out If Your AdWords Account Is Under Review? Your Product Listing Ads come down because of issues like daily-budget’s early exhaustion or errors in data feed; ‘Right?!’...

How to Deal With Cost Per Click Bidding Competition on Google Shopping Ads

Monitoring and managing Google Shopping is like taking care of a child, you always need to be on the vigil. Always, on your toes, observing and anticipating the actions,...

How to Validate Your Google Shopping Ad Group

How to Validate Your AdWords Ad Group?

It has been observed that merchants find it really bothersome to validate their PLA Campaign’s various Ad Groups. And it is quite understandable;...

Is Creating Numerous Google Shopping Ad Groups A Good Practice?

Is Creating Numerous PLA Ad Groups A Good Practice?

No doubt, creating new Ad groups is a good practice, but only if it is done step by step – in...

Manage Your Budget – What should be your Google Shopping Budget

What should be your Google Shopping Budget?

On Google Shopping, every PLA Ad is charged on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis, and all the ad listings remain active,...

Google shopping Data Feed Optimization

On the basis of the statistics that Google Analytics shows, merchants should improve their data feed so that it becomes easier for Google to decide the right placement for...

CPA Campaigns – How to Make Google Shopping Work Like Ebay or Amazon

This is How You Can Make Your Google Shopping Work Like Amazon & Ebay

There is no doubt that merchants have to pay to list products on Google Shopping, but...

Making Adjustments to Your Data Feed on Google Shopping

If you are one of the merchants who know how to change your data feeds, then you are in the perfect position to use the AdWords column to create...